


Short CV


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Research interests

I work in model theory, a branch of mathematical logic. My interests include: interactions between model theory and infinite permutation group theory, in particular automorphism groups of omega-categorical and homogeneous countable structures; notions of genericity in permutation group theory and model theory; pure model theory; interactions between model theory and design theory, in particular Steiner triple systems.

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  • Model theory of Steiner triple systems, with E. Casanovas, Journal of Mathematical Logic, 20(2), 2020 (arXiv, doi)
  • A classification of countable lower 1-transitive linear orders, with K.M. Chicot, Order 35 (2018), 215-231 (doi)
  • Generic expansions of countable models, with D. Zambella, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 53(4), 2012 , 511-523 (arXiv, doi)
  • A viewpoint on amalgamation classes, with D. Zambella, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 51(4), 2010, p. 681-691 (arXiv)
  • Reconstruction of classical geometries from their automorphism group, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 75(2), 2007, p. 298-316 (doi)
  • Reconstruction of homogeneous relational structures, with H.D. Macpherson, Journal of Symbolic Logic 72(3), 2007, p. 792-802 (doi)
  • Automorphism groups of omega-categorical structures, PhD thesis, University of Leeds, 2004

Slides from talks