Short CV
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Research interests
I work in model theory, a branch of mathematical logic. My interests include: interactions between model theory and infinite permutation group theory, in particular automorphism groups of omega-categorical and homogeneous countable structures; notions of genericity in permutation group theory and model theory; pure model theory; interactions between model theory and design theory, in particular Steiner triple systems.
Google Scholar page
Model theory of Steiner triple systems, with E. Casanovas, Journal of Mathematical Logic, 20(2), 2020 (arXiv, doi)
A classification of countable lower 1-transitive linear orders, with K.M. Chicot, Order 35 (2018), 215-231 (doi)
Generic expansions of countable models, with D. Zambella, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 53(4), 2012 , 511-523 (arXiv, doi)
- A viewpoint on amalgamation classes, with D. Zambella, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 51(4), 2010, p. 681-691 (arXiv)
- Reconstruction of classical geometries from their automorphism group,
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 75(2), 2007, p. 298-316 (doi)
- Reconstruction of homogeneous relational structures, with H.D. Macpherson, Journal of Symbolic Logic 72(3), 2007, p. 792-802 (doi)
- Automorphism groups of omega-categorical structures, PhD thesis, University of Leeds, 2004
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